Collaboration is the solution most teams miss Written by Ronald Kutsch. Problem: Products release with critical defects Cause: Lack of collaboration between Dev & Test Result: Defects that are easily prevented Let’s start with...
Watch Quality Process Expert Charlie Gragg show how to ‘Reduce Critical Defects & Cut Costs’ by utilizing Advantu’s Cost of Quality Process Improvement Program. Are you interested in seeing a step-by-step process, for measuring,...
Are you the person who takes those calls when deadlines are missed or product quality issues appear, again? Whether you are a leader of a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company, the product delivery problems are...
Tired of getting beat up by everyone? Tips to help save the day… By Ronald Kutsch This article is for all of you toiling away in the software development world, (especially database architects and...
Author: John Arrizza One of the core problems (when it comes to Quality) can be traced to a simple fact: Management doesn’t recognize the Quality Team’s activities as Iterative. This is the root cause...